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Estimates the location and scaling parameters of the latent variables from existing survey data.


estimate_params(data, n_levels, skew = 0)



survey data with columns representing individual items. Apart from this, data can be of almost any class such as "data.frame" "matrix" or "array".


number of response categories, a vector or a number.


marginal skewness of latent variables, defaults to 0.


A table of estimated parameters for each latent variable.


The relationship between the continuous random variable \(X\) and the discrete probability distribution \(p_k\), for \(k = 1, \dots, K\), can be described by a system of non-linear equations: $$ p_{k} = F_{X}\left( \frac{x_{k - 1} - \xi}{\omega} \right) - F_{X}\left( \frac{x_{k} - \xi}{\omega} \right) \quad \text{for} \ k = 1, \dots, K $$ where:


is the cumulative distribution function of \(X\),


is the number of possible response categories,


are the endpoints defining the boundaries of the response categories,


is the probability of the \(k\)-th response category,


is the location parameter of \(X\),


is the scaling parameter of \(X\).

The endpoints \(x_{k}\) are calculated by discretizing a random variable \(Z\) with mean 0 and standard deviation 1 that follows the same distribution as \(X\). By solving the above system of non-linear equations iteratively, we can find the parameters that best fit the observed discrete probability distribution \(p_{k}\).

The function estimate_params:

  • Computes the proportion table of the responses for each item.

  • Estimates the probabilities \(p_{k}\) for each item.

  • Computes the estimates of \(\xi\) and \(\omega\) for each item.

  • Combines the estimated parameters for all items into a table.

See also

discretize_density for details on calculating the endpoints, and part_bfi for example of the survey data.


vars <- c("A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5")
estimate_params(data = part_bfi[, vars], n_levels = 6)
#>          items
#> estimates         A1         A2         A3         A4         A5
#>      mean -0.9759824  1.0830781  0.9776057  1.1723519  0.9006478
#>      sd    1.1798137  0.7968668  0.8432599  1.3825407  0.8648150